Gorgias Updates

BigCommerce: Entire Order Refund action

by Iustina Dumitru
New feature
🎉 We are happy to announce another BigCommerce update. Building on our manual refund functionality, you can now refund an entire BigCommerce order directly in Gorgias. When applying an entire order level refund you can: Review all

Disable Email capture in Chat Widget

by Juan Carlos Quintero
We are happy to let you know that we are introducing the possibility to disable the Email capture in Chat Widget interactions. How it looks When the Email capture is disabled, users won’t be requested to fill in their email, they will
New feature

Improvements to offline capture in the Chat Widget

by Sufiyan, Engineer
New feature
Overview We are excited to announce a new feature of our Chat Widget that allows you to customize the Intro, Body, and Outro texts of the Offline Capture confirmation email. This feature enables you to deliver emails to customers with the

Customize Your Notification Sound

by Gorgias Team
I Users can now adjust the notification sound and volume in Gorgias. These settings can be adjusted by visiting the notification settings page (Settings → You → Notifications) where you will be able to choose from 9 different sounds and
New feature

Create an automated response when customers track an unfulfilled order!

by Ricardo de Arruda, software engineer
Now merchants will be able to create custom messages when your customers track an order that hasn’t been fulfilled yet on the configuration of your Order Management Flow Track order. This is particularly helpful to: Remind customers about
New feature

Copy every Widget field ✂️📋

by Simone Basso
New feature
We heard your resoundingly positive feedback and have now extended the copy-button functionality! The copy-button is now available on all standard Shopify-widget fields, and other integration widgets that you have enabled on the

Security improvements on Chat installation snippet

by Juan Carlos Quintero
We want to let you know that a new version of the Chat Widget Installation Snippet was recently released. We are now deprecating the numerical application ID in favor of an Alpha-Numeric application Key. Why are we making this

BigCommerce: Refund Order action

by Iustina Dumitru
New feature
🎉 We are happy to announce another BigCommerce update. Now you can refund BigCommerce orders directly in Gorgias. When applying an order level refund you can: Specify the custom amount you want to refund Choose your preferred refund

Search for ticket field dropdown values

by Manuel Colasante
New feature
Are you already using Ticket Fields? If not, you should at least take a look at them. They can greatly help you answer some critical questions concerning your business. For those who have adopted them, we noticed your excellent use of the