Gorgias Updates

Gmail conversation grouping

by Giuseppe Lumia, Software Engineer
New feature
Smarter ticket grouping for Gmail integrations! We just released a new feature for Gmail integrations, which makes sure Gmail messages are grouped to tickets using Gmail’s grouping logic. What does this mean? According to the Gmail

Introducing chat offline! 💬✨

by Joris La Cancellera, Software Engineer
New feature
Does the support team have limited bandwidth for a couple of hours during your team’s lunch break or for a couple of days as you are all heading to a company retreat party? 🎉 We got you covered with the chat new offline mode feature!

🤖📪 New managed rule to send tracking information via email

by Mathias Ngo, Full Stack Engineer
Here comes a new managed rule! For those of you who missed it, managed rules are more accessible rules, tailored to address recurrent customer issues. These rules are managed (hence the name!) by Gorgias so you can install them with a
New feature

Introducing an offline capture of information for chat!

by Joris La Cancellera, Software Engineer
New feature
We are pleased to announce that we are putting a major new feature into our chat widget: The contact form 🎉.👉The contact form guides the customers to fill in their inquiries directly from the chat when the shop is outside of business

Intents feedback removal

by Dombi Botond
The intents dropdown present on ticket messages will no longer allow for providing intent feedback. Instead, it will only show the detected intents. In addition, the detected intents and other actions will collapse into a single dropdown

Auto-assignment limits

by Charles Jacquet
New feature
Auto-assignment limits are live! You can now select the maximum number of tickets an agent can be served by the auto-assignment for both “Chat & Messaging” tickets (chat, messenger, IG DMs, SMS,…) and “Other text” tickets (email,

Articles & categories search in help center settings

by Philippe Diep, Software Engineer
We’re excited to see that you are many to start leveraging our help center product! As your knowledge base is growing we know it can be tedious to navigate between articles & categories.🔎 That’s why we just released a new Search feature in
New feature

Web notifications are saved in your notification center

by Charles Jacquet
From now on, notifications will require the user to click or dismiss them, instead of disappearing on their own! That means that if you you missed a notification, you can now still retrieve it in the notification center of your computer!

Unlisted help center articles and categories

by Irinel Neculita
👋 Hey everyone! You can now set the Help Center articles and categories visibility settings. At the moment, we offer 2 visibility options: Public or Unlisted. If an article or category is set to Public, it will be visible to everyone
New feature