Gorgias Updates

Improvements on the Chat widget dimensions

by George Chetreanu, Engineering Manager
We’re making a few adjustments to the dimensions of the widget. The height will dynamically adjust based on the screen size while never going over the top part of the screen so it doesn’t overlap with your shop’s header (navigation

✨ New app store ✨

by Manuel Colasante
Happy new year everyone! We wish all the best for this year to come. As a new year’s resolution, we want to put our app ecosystem on a pedestal. 🏆 The number of apps that help you achieve your goals in Gorgias keeps growing. We want you

Cleaner order management buttons in the Gorgias chat homepage

by Cyprien Pannier, Senior Software Engineer
Hi there 👋, We have another automation add-on improvement to share! The order management flows currently take a lot of place in the chat widget. Additionally, the 4 possible flows: track / return / cancel order and report an issue

Help Center design improvements

by Irinel Neculita
👋 Hey everyone! While it is important to release new features, it is also top-of-mind for us to improve your current experience using help center. So we made a series of design improvements, and we’d like to highlight a few: You may have

🛍 Improvements in Shopify Refund modal

by Deniss Kozickis
Hi 👋 Today we are happy to present small but very important improvements to our Shopify Refund modal! We noticed that when performing a Partial Refund in Shopify Refund modal it may not be obvious what amount will be refunded and which

Standalone widgets

by Manuel Colasante
New feature
Hey 👋 Remember custom actions in widgets? Our own support team at Gorgias finds this feature to be super helpful and uses it heavily. We hope you do too! 😉 But we noticed that sometimes, we want to add a custom action button or link

⛵️ Navigate new Settings with breeze

by Manuel Colasante
👋 Today we are happy to present to you our new Settings. Here are a couple things we wanted to highlight: Channels like Email, Chat, Voice now live under their own section! You don’t need to go to the Integrations page to find them

Chat contact form is now enabled for everyone

by Joris La Cancellera, Software Engineer
The Contact Form feature of our chat widget is now a default and required setting. We decided to simplify chat settings because we trust this feature to be the best way to connect your customers with your support crew, asynchronously, when

Add file attachments to Help Center articles

by Nicușor Chiciuc
👋 Hello there, do you know you can now add file attachments directly in your Help Center articles?📚 We support all popular file types with the max file size of 20MB for each — you can find this feature inside the toolbar of your article