Gorgias Updates

Attachments for contact form

by Irinel Neculita
Hey everyone!🔔 We have another important update on our Help Center Contact form! Now your customers will be able attach files to tickets submitted through the contact form.📚 We support all popular file types, and your customers can attach

Estimated wait time in the chat

by Roman Fayzullin
👋 We’re happy to introduce a new functionality in Gorgias Chat, which allows visitors of your website to see information about how long they might be waiting for a live agent. How does it work Gorgias Chat will now display the estimated
New feature

Embed contact form on your store

by Irinel Neculita
👋 Hi all! Following-up after the release of the Contact Us page, you can now embed the contact form directly in your very own website! Go to your help center settings page, click on the Contact tab, under Email you will now see a new

All the agents can now access the help center articles!

by Philippe Diep, Software Engineer
🔒 Until now, help center articles were limited to admins and lead agents only. We’re changing this to make article content read only for all agents role! Admin and lead agents will still maintain article editing permissions while the other

Rules: BigCommerce filters

by Iustina Dumitru
We are happy to announce that we introduced BigCommerce filters in Rules. 🎉 From now on, you can automate your most common tasks using Gorgias even better. Use the BigCommerce data as filter for Rules, for example to send an auto-reply
New feature

Contact Us page in your help center

by Irinel Neculita
👋 Hey everyone! We are happy to announce that your help center will now have a dedicated Contact Form page accessible via the Contact Us card at the bottom of the home page. Visitors of the help center will be redirected to this contact
New feature

Redesign of the mandatory email capture in the chat

by Roman Fayzullin
If you use the “Always Required” email capture setting in the chat - we’ve prepared a very nice update for you! We redesigned the experience for shoppers, providing a more conversational entry point for shoppers to leave their email and

✨ Standalone self-service portal!

by Matthieu Bresson
We are pleased to introduce a standalone version of our help centers with the self-service flows! With this self-service standalone portal, automation add-on subscribers can publish self-service order management flows without a chat
New feature

Updated self-service statistics page

by Marwan Sentenac
We have updated the self-service statistics page to better visualize self-service volume by flow type, and interactions fully automated by self-service or served by an agent after self-service. You can now find self-service volume per flow