🚀 Introducing a new New ‘Customer Log In’ for Streamlined Shopper Journeys! 🌟

Hey Gorgias Community! We’re introducing a new customer log in step in the Flow builder, which will allow you to request from customers to confirm their identity before they continue their journey in a flow.

This is particularly useful to execute actions where you want to make sure your customers are who they say they are, like:

  • Cancelling / updating a subscription

  • Providing customers information about their email subscription

  • Retrieving gift card / loyalty balance information

  • And more!

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Until now, there wasn't a standalone way for your customers to authenticate themselves. This was only possible via the “order selection” step. Well, not anymore!

The new “customer login” step ensures that your customers' automated journey is secure, especially when dealing with sensitive actions.

Looking forward to seeing you try it out, happy automating!