Hi there! We just released our integration with Magento 2 πŸŽ‰!

You can now connect your Magento 2 store with your Gorgias account. This will allow you to display customer, order, shipment and credit memo data next to tickets:

Screen Shot 2019-10-28 at 2.07.00 PM.png

To connect your Magento 2 store to your Gorgias account, please follow instructions from this article: https://docs.gorgias.io/article/qw7vt5pyjw-magento-2

Soon, you will also be able to:

  • use Magento 2 variables, like the last order’s tracking URL, into macros
  • use Magento 2 data as filter for rules, for example to add conditions on the price of the last order of a customer

We will keep you updated when those improvements are released! Please let us know how you like this new integration!