🔍 Introducing the new search

We have been working for a while to improve the speed, relevancy and usability of the Gorgias search, and we are now thrilled to announce the new capabilities of the search engine!

We have a new interface, the spotlight search, and a more powerful backend search engine to boost the speed and relevancy of all the ticket and customer searches across the helpdesk!

And now the details:

Ticket search

  • Ticket search is 30% faster on average

  • It ranks tickets based on their relevance. In more details:

    • If we detect that you have entered a full email address, then look into the subject of the ticket, message contents and to and from fieldsof messages for the exact email address

    • Otherwise, we look in these fields as well as ticket ID, but we run more complex searches as we don’t know what the search is about (keywords, name, number…)

      • If the keyword(s) typed in the search bar are found in multiple fields of a given ticket (ex: in the subject and in the text of the messages), this ticket’s relevance will be higher

      • Some fields have a higher influence on the relevance of the ticket, like the subject of the ticket

    • Recently created tickets receive a relevance boost

  • 🆕 You can now search ticket using their ticket ID

    • As a reminder, you can add the ticket ID column to any of your views

Customer search

Similarly, we have improved the customer search:

  • The search has now better phone search support

  • Searching for phone contacts is 2x faster

  • All customer searches have been unified and behave the same way (whether you do a search in the customers’ page, the customer widget or try to find a recipient via email or phone number)

  • The way the search works is the following:

    • We're searching across multiple fields and across different channels for a customer. These fields are name, surname, email, phone number, order numbers and tracking number.

    • The results are sorted by relevancy. If the search finds the input in multiple attributes of the customer, the relevancy of that customer increases.

Spotlight search

Finally, we have built a new search interface, spotlight search, to allow you to find a customer or ticket more easily!

It is now accessible from anywhere in the helpdesk. Just click on the new search button on the left panel or press cmd + K on MacOS or ctrl + K on Windows and the search window will open without exiting your current page!

It will return the first 30 items that the search engine found.

If you did not find what you were looking for or need to filter the results, you can use the advanced search where you will find all the information and filters that you previously had.

Let us know what you think!