Introducing our new Voice Ticket Layout!

🎉 Introducing our new and improved layout for voice tickets 🎉

🔍 Key Improvements:

  • Call Clarity: Easily discern the nature of your calls – whether they are incoming, outgoing, answered, or missed – at a glance.

  • Initiator Insight: Instantly identify who initiated the call and who answered it. Understanding the flow of communication has never been this straightforward.

  • Unified Information: Seamlessly attach call recordings and voicemail to the rest of your call information. All relevant data is consolidated in one place, making it easier than ever to access and analyze.

🚀 Why the Redesign?

We understand the importance of transparency and efficiency in your daily operations. Agents need to be able to easily parse through a ticket and understand exactly what happened up to this point.

Our redesigned interface empowers you with a holistic view of your voice interactions, enabling you to navigate calls effortlessly and make informed decisions.