Articles & categories search in help center settings
June 20th, 2022 at 11:21 AM
We’re excited to see that you are many to start leveraging our help center product! As your knowledge base is growing we know it can be tedious to navigate between articles & categories.
🔎 That’s why we just released a new Search feature in the article management tab of the help center settings.
The search results will display the articles and categories that match your search terms in their titles, descriptions as well as contents. It will reveal which part of the articles or categories it has matched by highlighting the relevant part. If an article is shown in the list but not highlighted it’s because it matched part of its content with your search term.

🪄 Hope this helps you find any content you want to work on in a split second! As always, don’t hesitate to reach-out for any questions you might have or leave a product suggestion in our public roadmap.
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