Agent Availability Status in the User's Page

We are excited to announce that you can now see a real-time view of agent availability from within the user’s setting page.

This feature will help provide a real-time view of your team and their availability, which will help teams effectively assign tickets, request and share information effectively across teams, and ultimately resolve tickets faster.

This feature, which lives within the Users page in your helpdesk’s setting, adds a column displaying the following states for each agent:

  • Available → Agent is online with availability toggle set to ON

  • In a call → Agent is actively connected with a customer in a call

  • Ringing → Agent is dialing an outbound or being rung (but hasn’t accepted) an inbound

  • Unavailable → Agent is either offline or has their availability toggle set to OFF


Right now, the dashboard does not auto-update, so to get the latest information on your agent’s availability, you will need to refresh the page.

How to view

To view this new page, go to Settings → Users and look for a new column titled Status

Once you have had a chance to try out this new feature, tell us what you think by chatting us or sending an email to