timestamp1556317620001Upcoming API changes on 2019-05-13by Louis BarranqueiroChanges Starting from 13th May, 2019: The from_agent attribute of the TicketMessage object will be required to create a new message or create a ticket containing messages. This attribute accepts 2 values : true if the message will be...
timestamp1544144100001New keyboard shortcut for adding linksby Gorgias TeamImprovementIt's a bit embarrassing how long it took us to add this. Better late than never: You can now use a keyboard shortcut to add links to your emails when using Gorgias as well as change the display text of the link! A short demo: https...
timestamp1536708360001New integration: smile.io + many small bug fixes and improvementsby Gorgias TeamNew featureImprovementBug fixYou may have heard about our new Smile.io integration here as one of the latest new releases. At Gorgias we're trying to get to you as many features as we can, but we also have to do some less exciting maintenance and bug fixing as part...
timestamp1526330760001We removed random animal names for anonymous chat customers 🐈by MartinWe have removed animal names for anonymous chat customers! No risk of sending messages including animal names anymore, neither in the macros nor in the history of emails. We'll also run a big cleaning soon to remove all existing animal...