timestamp1733927423457⭐️ Customer Satisfaction Surveys Now Available for Contact Form and Help Centerby Charles JacquetWe're excited to announce that our Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) feature is now available on two additional channels: Contact Form and Help Center. This expansion allows you to gather valuable feedback from more customer touchpoints, helping
timestamp1731435346469🥳 AI Agent: 12 new Actions availableby Felipe MoraAnnouncementImprovementWe’re excited to announce we’ve released x12 new AI Agent Actions to help you provide instant resolutions and avoid a backlog of tickets this holiday season 🎉 Our AI Agent Action catalog now contains 19 Actions (and growing) to help you
timestamp1731427427199New Auto QA category: Language Proficiency and statistics improvementsby Charles JacquetNew Auto QA Category: Language Proficiency We're excited to announce the latest addition to our automated Quality Assurance feature: Language Proficiency. This new category complements the existing Communication category to help ensure
timestamp1730909100000Dedicated page for AI Agent statisticsby Thijs Dil, Software EngineerAnnouncementImprovementWe’re excited to announce that we’re centralizing all the AI Agent-related statistics in a dedicated view. This will allow Automate subscribers to check how their AI agent performs at a glance. The reports could help identify what is