almost 6 years agoUpcoming API changes on 2019-05-13by Louis BarranqueiroChanges Starting from 13th May, 2019: The from_agent attribute of the TicketMessage object will be required to create a new message or create a ticket containing messages. This attribute accepts 2 values : true if the message will be...
almost 6 years agoUpcoming API changes on 2019-07-01by Louis BarranqueiroStarting from July 1st, 2019: the requester attribute of the Ticket object (containing a User object) will be removed and replaced by the customer attribute (containing a Customer object). This will affect Ticket objects returned by...
about 6 years agoHTTP integrations improvementsby Gorgias TeamImprovementDevelopersThe HTTP integration is one most important developer features of Gorgias. They can be super useful if you want to do custom integrations (Ex: Zapier/Segment/etc..). If you are not familiar with HTTP integrations you can read more about...