almost 6 years ago
Chat status now depends on business hours
by Martin
Based on your feedback, we have updated the way Chat integrations switch between "online" and "away" status. It now depends on the business hours configured for your account: during business hours, your chat will always display as...almost 6 years ago
Unassign on reply
by Martin
Hi there, We've just released a new feature: Unassign on reply. From now on, if you're assigned on a Chat or Messenger ticket, leave Gorgias, and the customer sends a new message in the ticket, the ticket will be unassigned from you so...about 6 years ago
More compact real-time conversations
by Gorgias Team
Messages from Gorgias chat and Facebook Messenger are now grouped together if they are sent one after another. This makes longer real-time conversations a lot more compact than before (see video for comparison). Stay tuned for more user...over 6 years ago
Quick replies
by Romain Lapeyre
A couple weeks ago, we looked at the type of questions customers are asking on the chat. About 70% of inquiries are about the same things: product information, tracking or applying a promo code. That's why we're introducing quick...over 6 years ago
Chat campaigns, shopify action and new keyboard shortcut
by Gorgias Team
We've made a few improvements with the chat campaigns, shopify's edit last order shipping address action and we added a new keyboard shortcut! See the details below or check out the video. Chat campaigns When a message on the chat is...over 6 years ago
New integration: + many small bug fixes and improvements
by Gorgias Team
New feature
Bug fix
You may have heard about our new integration here as one of the latest new releases. At Gorgias we're trying to get to you as many features as we can, but we also have to do some less exciting maintenance and bug fixing as part...
almost 7 years ago
We removed random animal names for anonymous chat customers 🐈
by Martin
We have removed animal names for anonymous chat customers! No risk of sending messages including animal names anymore, neither in the macros nor in the history of emails. We'll also run a big cleaning soon to remove all existing animal...almost 7 years ago
Disabling the away status on your chat
by Martin
You can now disable the away status on your chat! If you disable the away status, when you're away: the little circles next to your agents' faces will still turn orange, the displayed introduction text will still be the (customizable...almost 7 years ago
New Login & Register experience
by Gorgias Team
New Login & Registration look We have a new login and registration design. It's simpler than before and closer to the new design in the helpdesk. More design updates and bug-fixes are coming soon. Customer Name priority The name of...