Gorgias Updates

Filter all statistics reports by integrations

by Jean Jacobi
👋 We recently added a new feature: you can now filter all statistics reports using one or more of your integrations. 🎉📱 This should help you to get more insights on how your support tickets are handled per integration, as an example, it

Customer timeline redesign

by Nikola Mijović, Senior Software Engineer
We’ve revamped the customer timeline design! 🎨 🖌 It is now way sleeker and more readable! Don’t worry this is only the beginning, our next step is to add integration events in the timeline. Stay tuned! The mobile user interface for this

Improved sentiment detection model with a new sentiment "promoter"

by Charles Jacquet, ML engineer
We have released a new sentiment detection model with improved performance as well as a new sentiment, promoter!

Rule conditions user interface improved

by Clément Sirieix
We have improved the current flow for setting up conditions inside your rules with a refreshed & much simpler user interface 💻 Before, we known it could feel tedious & complex to set-up conditions hindering you to fully leverage your

Snooze actions in macros and rules

by Mathias Ngo
We’ve added snoozing tickets to the available list of actions in rules and macros. This new feature allows to automatically snooze tickets by setting rules and macros, just as you did any other action. Check-out the behavior for rules👇 And

Filter improvements on statistics pages

by Xuan-Thi Nguyen, Front-end developer
We fine-tuned the statistics pages by adding an option to toggle all displayed items in your filters in one click 🎉, and by enabling team selection on top of your agents. This is the first step to ease navigation through our built-in

Integrations REST API documentation

by Julián Pérez
After the widgets API endpoint, we've now have updated our REST API doc with again a new resource: integrations! 🎉 Integrations connect Gorgias with external services (e.g. Gmail, Shopify, Chat systems). There are two types of...

Widgets REST API documentation

by Julián Pérez
We have updated our REST API doc with a new resource: widgets! 🎉 Widgets are containers that can be used to display custom data coming from any integrations on the right-hand sidebar of the ticket or user page. Widgets styling can be...

Editable reply threads for email messages

by Gorgias Team
We are really excited to announce that you can now edit reply threads when forwarding or responding to emails! To try it out, go to an email ticket and click the "three dots" button in the text editor. This will inject the reply thread...