over 2 years ago
Auto-assignment limits
by Charles Jacquet
Auto-assignment limits are live! You can now select the maximum number of tickets an agent can be served by the auto-assignment for both “Chat & Messaging” tickets (chat, messenger, IG DMs, SMS,…) and “Other text” tickets (email,
almost 3 years ago
Article recommendation in Chat
by Robert Pamfile
Your shopper will now get FAQ article recommendations directly from your chat window. Gorgias Chat now leverages your help center to automatically recommend FAQ articles to shoppers.🤖 If you have an active chat and help center in youralmost 3 years ago
Subsequent actions in quick response flows
by Roman Fayzullin
We are happy to announce improvements of quick response flows inside self-service portal in the Gorgias chat✨💬 Note that this feature is only available to Automation Add-on subscribers only. For more information about how you can use thealmost 3 years ago
New detailed view for third party apps
by Manuel Colasante
New feature
Here at Gorgias, we want to empower our third party developers and make all apps easy to find and use. As a first step in a long series of improvements to come, we decided to directly link your app details from the partner portal to the
about 3 years ago
More custom stylings for your sidebar
by Manuel Colasante
Have you ever gotten confused with the different HTTP widgets in the sidebar? Widgets are the individual blocks for each integrations. As you add more to your Gorgias account, it sometimes becomes hard to distinguish them. Adding a specificabout 3 years ago
Quick response flows in the chat
by Roman Fayzullin
We are happy to announce new capabilities to further more customize your self-service portal in the Gorgias chat. ✨💬 Note that this feature is only available to Automation Add-on subscribers only. For more information about how you can useabout 3 years ago
Gorgias Chat - Connecting to a different store
by Matthieu Bresson
We are glad to announce that, along with a redesign of our Gorgias chat settings, we have introduced the ability to change the Shopify store associated with a given chat. As a reminder, advanced features such as Self-service depend uponabout 3 years ago
Self-service - Detailed order tracking
by Irinel Neculita
We are happy to announce that we have improved the order tracking page for shoppers as part of our self-service flows in both the Gorgias Chat and Help Center. As soon as agents enter a tracking number in a Shopify order, Gorgias fetches
about 3 years ago
Self Service in Help Center
by Robert Pamfile
We’ve just released an immensely helpful feature for the Gorgias Help Center! You can now deflect tickets with our Self-Service flows in both the Gorgias Chat and the Help Center! This feature is available for merchants that have Automation