Gorgias Updates

You can now create more than 4 ticket fields!

by Agent Experience Team
Ticket Fields are customizable ticket properties that allow you to summarize a conversation in a structured way to get actionable insights that will help you improve the buying experience, spot quality issues faster, reduce costs, and boost

☄️WooCommerce Variables in Gorgias for Enhanced Customer Support

by Simone Basso
We're pleased to announce that WooCommerce variables are now seamlessly integrated into Gorgias, unlocking a new level of flexibility and efficiency for your customer support workflows! What does this mean for you? 🔗 Enhanced Customer
New feature

Dive into Agent's report on Voice Statistics!

by Felipe Gonçalves, Product Marketing Manager
Get ready for some fantastic news – we've just added another cool update to the mix! Following the buzz about our Voice Statistics report, we're thrilled to introduce the Agent’s Report on Voice Statistics. It's like taking your insights to

Article Templates for your Help Center

by Irinel Neculita
🚀 Introducing Help Center Article Templates! We're pleased to announce the addition of Article Templates to your Help Center setup. 🛠️✨ Our templates offer structured formats for FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and more. Whether you're

Introducing Voice Statistics report ☎️📊

by Felipe Gonçalves, Product Marketing Manager
📢 Hold the phone because we have an exciting news alert! 🎉 We're thrilled to unveil the brand-new Gorgias Voice Statistics reports! Get ready to dive into a dedicated page that monitors key voice metrics, empowering you to supercharge

Meet the fresh new Gorgias Automate Statistics ✨

by Felipe Gonçalves, Product Marketing Manager
We're thrilled to introduce a significant upgrade to your Gorgias Automate experience. 🎉 We completely rebuilt Automate Statistics to offer more robust reporting and helpful insights. Furthermore, we've adjusted the reports, introducing

New step in Flows: Customer Login 👤

by Itay Elgazar
🚀 Introducing a new New ‘Customer Log In’ for Streamlined Shopper Journeys! 🌟 Hey Gorgias Community! We’re introducing a new customer log in step in the Flow builder, which will allow you to request from customers to confirm their

Navigate with ease, link your logo to your website!

by Fany Octavia, Software Engineer
Exciting news for our merchants! 🎉  We heard your feedback loud and clear—navigating back to your main website from your Gorgias help center shouldn't be a hassle. With our latest update, we're eliminating the inconvenience. What’s
New feature

Voice Integration: Streamlining Call Routing Preferences for a Smoother Experience

by Mehdi Dellagi, Software Engineer
We are thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to our Voice integration, aimed at improving your overall experience and simplifying call routing preferences. Effective January 18, 2024, we are moving away from using rules for call
New feature