Support Performance Overview is out of beta!

Today is an exciting day at Gorgias as we reached a big milestone on a journey to enhance our Statistics module. We recognize that a merchant’s success relies on optimizing efficiency and delivering unparalleled customer experiences. That's why we're thrilled to announce the Support Performance Overview is officially out of beta. 🎉

Over the past few months, we've rebuilt our data foundations from the ground up to cater to our merchant's specific needs and offer a better analytics suite. The result? A new and improved infrastructure that can aggregate more data while preserving historical information. This means we can analyze insights faster and with greater accuracy than ever before!

What’s new?

Improve the Way You Compare Your Business Performance Over Time

The new Statistics Overview page allows you to analyze historical data for up to a year, empowering you to keep track of your progress without losing valuable ticket history and easily share it with your different stakeholders.

🥊 Unlock the power of benchmarking: measure, compare, and drive continuous improvements

Gain a competitive edge by evaluating your support effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement. Our new feature allows you to analyze your performance against other similar companies, leveraging insights from top performers to take your company to the next level.

🕵️ Spot opportunities to optimize your workforce

Determine whether your team is handling the workload or if changes need to be made. For example, you can estimate the workload by analyzing the ticket backlog at the end of a given timeframe using the new Open Tickets metric, among other new metrics.

💡 To learn more, check out our documentation!

What has been fixed from the Beta phase?

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Tickets replied count to become out of sync

  • Fixed a bug that associated FRT to the gorgias bot user instead of the agent for chat channel

  • Fixed a bug that used the approximate median FRT instead of the exact one

  • Fixed a bug in FRT that did not excluding correctly the first message for social media posts

  • Fixed a bug that included internal notes from Messages sent/sent per day metrics

  • Fixed a bug that made Messages sent and Tickets replied use the ticket assignee instead of the message sender to count the number messages sent / tickets replied

  • Added support for older data

  • Improved metrics loading speed

  • Improved display of deltas in the Customer Experience section