timestamp1553712900001Upcoming API changes on 2019-07-01by Louis BarranqueiroStarting from July 1st, 2019: the requester attribute of the Ticket object (containing a User object) will be removed and replaced by the customer attribute (containing a Customer object). This will affect Ticket objects returned by...
timestamp1549420980001HTTP integrations improvementsby Gorgias TeamImprovementDevelopersThe HTTP integration is one most important developer features of Gorgias. They can be super useful if you want to do custom integrations (Ex: Zapier/Segment/etc..). If you are not familiar with HTTP integrations you can read more about...
timestamp1541037480001Chat campaigns, shopify action and new keyboard shortcutby Gorgias TeamWe've made a few improvements with the chat campaigns, shopify's edit last order shipping address action and we added a new keyboard shortcut! See the details below or check out the video. Chat campaigns When a message on the chat is...
timestamp1536708360001New integration: smile.io + many small bug fixes and improvementsby Gorgias TeamNew featureImprovementBug fixYou may have heard about our new Smile.io integration here as one of the latest new releases. At Gorgias we're trying to get to you as many features as we can, but we also have to do some less exciting maintenance and bug fixing as part...