timestamp1556317620001Upcoming API changes on 2019-05-13by Louis BarranqueiroChanges Starting from 13th May, 2019: The from_agent attribute of the TicketMessage object will be required to create a new message or create a ticket containing messages. This attribute accepts 2 values : true if the message will be...
timestamp1553712900001Upcoming API changes on 2019-07-01by Louis BarranqueiroStarting from July 1st, 2019: the requester attribute of the Ticket object (containing a User object) will be removed and replaced by the customer attribute (containing a Customer object). This will affect Ticket objects returned by...
timestamp1549420980001HTTP integrations improvementsby Gorgias TeamImprovementDevelopersThe HTTP integration is one most important developer features of Gorgias. They can be super useful if you want to do custom integrations (Ex: Zapier/Segment/etc..). If you are not familiar with HTTP integrations you can read more about...
timestamp1522975260001We are starting a changelog 📣by Alex PlugaruToday we're are thrilled to introduce our product timeline. The purpose of this timeline is to keep you informed about updates and changes we are continuously pushing to Gorgias. This includes new features, improvements, bug fixes but...